
Week 10 – Tuesday – Becoming Rare Men

Can we be honest that there is a man-epidemic in our nation? We have almost no one men who will follow Christ in obedience – in a dangerous way – in relationship with Him – with genuine interest in the lives of others – in a SELFLESS way.

Go read Philippians 2:20-22.
<> How many men do you know who take a genuine interest in the needs of others?
<> In vs. 21 what are the two possible interests we could be looking out for?

Direct Correlation:
There is a very specific and intentional relationship that Paul just established very quickly. Timothy was genuinely interested in others because he was not looking out for his own interests, BUT THOSE OF JESUS CHRIST. The amount to which you kill your selfishness in the pursuit of Jesus is directly related to the way and the amount that you will care for other people.

Go read Matthew 22:36-40.

<> Why is the second commandment like the first commandment?

Why as men specifically do we seem to struggle so much to simply care at all about people? Based on the passage in Matthew, the amount we care about other people a huge indicator as to whether or not we care about God. Your selfishness is not separated from your godliness. You CAN NOT be passionately in love with Jesus and just not care about His people that much. You CAN NOT be passionately in love with Jesus and just not care much about people that He wants to be His people. When our role model and Savior suffered in every way imaginable, was tortured, bled and died for the sake of others, how do we think it’s possible that we can follow Him without any selfless sacrifice for the sake of others?

Go read 1 John 4:20-21
<> Men: how are you doing at loving your brothers?
<> Do you only love people who give you a kick back – women who make you feel emotionally whole – men who make you feel awesome about yourself – people who have something to offer you in response for your love?

Becoming Rare Men:
The greatest danger in response to all these thoughts is that as prideful men we would run off and try to fix the problem: both in ourselves and in all the other men around us. The great danger is ourselves. The greatest hope that we have is that we would set our minds and hearts on the interest of Christ at the expense of our needs, desires and effort. Our great hope is Christ.

Go read Luke 9:23.
<> How in your life are you taking up your cross?

In vs. 22 Paul writes that Timothy has labored with him as a son in the work of the gospel. I think if we are ever going to become the type of rare men it is going to come as the result of ONE thing only – that we would come to value the gospel of Jesus Christ more than anything else in our life.

Go read 1 Timothy 6:3-12. Reread vs. 11-12 about one thousand times.

Men of Midtown, die to yourself, claim the eternal life that is Jesus, and let Him make you the rare kind of man who lives a selfless life of service.

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