
Week 5 - Monday - Baptism

Ok guys we're popping out of Philippians for today to recap last night. (We will either continue with external topics -- there were enough nuggets last night for a month's worth -- for the rest of the week or keep plugging along through Philippians)

We do not believe that baptism saves you. We believe that Jesus saves you. Baptism is a physical symbol of what Jesus does to us spiritually. It is very similar to communion or a wedding ring. They are all beautiful symbols of something much bigger.

Check out Romans 6:1-14 (the scripture Dustin read last night plus a little more.)
<> What issue is Paul addressing before he starts talking about baptism?
<> How does the symbol of baptism speak to the issue he's addressing?
<> How are you doing with obeying vs. 11-14?

The symbol of baptism is a reminder to ourselves of what has happened spiritually inside of us. In moments of deepest darkest temptation we can look back to our baptism as a moment that reminds us that we have proclaimed to the world - Jesus is Lord; He has cleaned me of my sin; I am dead to my old way of life and alive in Christ alone.

Along with being a personal reminder, baptism is a communal reminder. Any person in the crowd watching is reminded of their own baptism. We cheer for salvation in the life of the person being baptized. We cheer for our own salvation. We cheer that God is good at what He does and He keeps advancing His gospel -- even through jacked up punks like us.

Why Don't Midtown's Pastors Baptize?
Well, our pastors do baptize people -- we just don't reserve the right for our pastors. We don't see that as a Biblical mandate. Read John 4:1-2.

<> Why would Jesus have his disciple's baptize people?

Read Ephesians 4:11-13.
<> What is the job of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers?
<> Who is performing "works of service"?

We honestly believe that ministry is supposed to be done by all believers, not just by a few guys with titles. The dudes with titles' job is to equip the body for works of service. When members of the body play a spiritually significant role in someone coming to know Christ, we think it is less awesome for a random pastor with almost no relationship with the person to baptize them.

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