
Week 4 - Saturday - Overflowing Joy

Read Philippians 1:21-26
“. . . so that through my being with you again your joy in Christ Jesus will overflow on account of me”

<> When is the last time that your joy in Christ Jesus overflowed?

We’re going to keep it real quick this Saturday morning. God wants us to be overjoyed. He wants our joy in His Son to overflow. If you aren’t relishing moments in life that are full of the richness and goodness of God, you aren’t matching His hope for you. He wants you to labor and seek and strive and push and prod and He wants to work in you and change you and encourage you and grow you.

But, at the end of the day sometimes He just wants you to sit and bask in the glow of His love.

<> How often do you pause to consider the depth of your sin and the startling fact of God’s love despite your failing performance?
<> In the midst of circumstantial pain, discomfort or confusion, do you ever pause to meditate on the truth of the gospel?

Here’s the deal. Jesus died on a cross for you because He loves you. You don’t deserve that love. You can’t earn His love. But He gives it anyway. He gives His pain for yours. He gives His life for yours. SIT IN IT. Deal with His love. Right now.

Developing a deeply gospel centered identity is essential to you developing a chaotic joy; a deep seeded joy that weathers any circumstance, BUT it comes with diligence. It takes regular pausing to sit in the truth of the gospel in order to walk out its implications for your life.

<> Spend the day thinking on the gospel of Jesus Christ. Get with some friends and just talk about it. Let your joy overflow. Take communion. Don’t miss the life-giving opportunity to bask in the glow of His love.

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