
Week 5 – Thursday – Celebration

Of the two major graduations thus far in my life (high school and college), I had major doubts about walking at either of them. It’s not that I don’t like celebrations; I just hate weak-sauce, pathetic excuses for celebrations. I told my mom that she better cheer her head off and I didn’t care if the police had to escort her from the ceremony. Way too often, Christians are known for everything that we are against, and not what we are for. We are known for our boycotts, not what we support. That’s not very Jesus-like.

Lest we forget, the theme phrase of Genesis 1 is “It was good.” Skip to Leviticus 23 and there’s an entire chapter about nationwide parties that God commanded (You should go read the entire chapter). Lev. 23:23-24 talks about the Feast of Trumpets -- a massive party highlighted by trumpet blasts and a bonfire. Lev. 23:33-44 describes the Feast of Tabernacles where the entire nation camped out for an entire week together just to celebrate God’s goodness for busting them out of Egypt back in the day. I love vs. 44 “So Moses announced to the Israelites the appointed feasts of the Lord.”

Ummm, hey guys. . . I’ve been talking to God and He told me that we’re supposed to kill some animals every year to replace the death we deserve . . . He said we have to stone blasphemers and we’re not supposed to get spiritual tattoos to help our friends in the afterlife. . . and oh yeah, He gave me a list of parties we’re going to throw. . .

<> Do people know you are a Christian because of what you are for or because of what you are against?
<> Are you a good celebrator?
<> Do you regularly take time to celebrate how good God is and what He’s done in your life?

Just in case you’re thinking that this is only an Old Testament issue – I’d remind you that Jesus’ first miracle was performed at a wedding; a wedding party full of drunk people. And He made more wine for them. Now no doubt, Jesus wasn’t condoning drunkenness – I think He was revealing to them that He is the actual reason to party – the sweetest wine – abundant life. Ringing any bells? I think as a Christian, if we fail to party; to revel in the awesome nature of God, we are in danger of not having grasped at all what Jesus has done for us.

<> What are some parties that you need to throw?

My friend Matt says that when his kids grow up, he has no control over whether or not they will be I love with Jesus. But if you were to ask his kids about their dad, his one hope is that they would respond, “He just wouldn’t ever shut up about how good God is.” So even while his kids are very small he constantly stops to say, “wow, do you see that color pink? That’s your favorite color isn’t it? How good is God that He created pink?"

<> If you died, based on what you talk about most regularly, what would people say your life is about?

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