
Week 9 – Friday – Hold Forth the Word of Life

Go read Philippians 2:14-16.

<> According to vs. 16 what is Paul’s goal?
<> How do the lives of the Philippians impact him?

If You Got It, Flaunt It:

Go read Romans 10:13-15.

<> How did you come to know Christ?
<> Who specifically held out the Word of Life to you?

Go read John 1:1-5.

<> Who is the Word of Life?

There is a huge distinction that needs to be made in regards to the last two days posts. Hopefully in the language that was used within them, this distinction is already being made clearly but the goal of today’s post is to clarify just in case there has been any confusion. Here are two possible reactions to the last two day’s posts:

Reaction #1: Ok, I’m supposed to be powerful because the light of Jesus is powerful and it’s supposed to be in me so I need to try to be very light-esque and very powerfully light-ish. I’m supposed to live in the midst of the crooked and depraved generation and so I’m going to try to do that without becoming sinful in the process. I’m going to try really hard to go be bright light in the darkness and my life will be this directional becon like a star is for a sailor, if I can JUST try hard enough to shine and not to sin and to be around people who need a spiritual-follower-of-Jesus-who-is-like-a-star-guidance-system. Wow, the world needs me. That must be why He leaves me here and doesn’t take me home yet. Well, now it’s off to work to go be light and direction and guidance and to walk perfectly in balanced in the world but not of the worldness.


Reaction #2: I’m been entrusted with the Word of Life and called to shine like a star in the midst of darkness. I’m not good at that on my own. Jesus I’m going to need some help if I’m even going to think about walking through this generation without becoming completely addicted to sin again. Literally all I have is that which has been given to me. So I’m going to hold out the Word of Life in front of me so much so that no one will be confused into thinking this is some new thing I’m doing – that I’m trying to do. Why does my life look different now? Jesus – the Word of Life that was preached to me. How can your life look different now? Jesus – He is the Word of Life that I’m holding out to you.

<> In terms of you shining like a star in the midst of a crooked and depraved generation, how much of that depends on you?

Being a missionary in this city is not about how good you can be at life. It is about how hard you can hold onto Jesus and proclaim Him as your lifelong and daily hope for holiness and grace.

The Word of Life:
Too many of us don’t know, don’t respect and don’t digest the Word of Life on a regular basis. In terms of holding it forth to a crooked and depraved generation, we’re holding out two verses we memorized when we were six. The Word which is the Bible which is Jesus who is our life – is not an optional pursuit if we say that following Jesus is what we are all about.

<> How much time do you spend in the Word?
<> Do you pursue it – sit with it, meditate on it, revisit it and apply it to your life – or do you read it passively and act happy that you read it?
<> Is it possible to hold forth the Word of Life if you aren’t well-versed in it?

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